Additional Student Policies

Expectations for students
Our students are held to specific expectations outlined below.
Student ID Badge Policy
The School of Nursing strives to provide a safe environment for all students and employees and requiring students to wear Identification (ID) badges is one way to promote safety. A student ID badge will be issued to each student during the first week of school by Trinity Health System. The badge is the property of the Health System and must be returned when the individual is no longer a student at the School. Student ID badges MUST be worn at all times while engaged in all academic or clinical activities. The badge is to be attached to the upper torso so that patients, visitors, and employees can easily see the student’s name.
Whenever a student graduates, withdraws or is dismissed from the program, the student must return the identification badge to the Lead Instructor of the current course of study or to the Coordinator of Student Affairs. Failure to do so will result in the delay of receipt of official transcripts.
One student nurse identification badge will be replaced free of charge, then a $5.00 fee will be charged for each additional replacement.
Dress Code
I. Policy Statement:
Clinical and non-clinical attire should complement an environment that reflects an efficient, orderly, and professionally operated School of Nursing. Student’s attire projects their own person image, as well as the Health System’s image. Good personal hygiene and a neat, professional appearance should be maintained by all students at all times. Clothing should be clean and properly fitted.
II. Dress Code – Clinical Areas:
A. The regulation dress consists of uniform, student identification badge, and white hose or white socks (with pant uniform). Shoes must be solid white, closed-toe athletic/tennis/nursing shoe. Minimal (<10%) light grey trim is acceptable. Shoes must be clean and in good repair. Crocs, buckles, embellishments, or multi-colored shoes are not permitted. A pen with black ink, watch with a second hand, and bandage scissors are part of the uniform.
The uniform is to be kept clean, neatly pressed and mended. If the uniform skirt is worn, it must be no shorter than mid-knee. A white cardigan sweater or white lab coat may be worn, except when giving patient care. Pants must not fit tightly and be of appropriate length. Hem length must ensure that the pant does not touch the floor at any time. Pants must be worn at the waist. Undergarments are not to be visible or show through clothing at any time.
B. Students are required to wear Lab coats over dresses or pants/slacks (no leggings, jeggings, jeans or yoga pants) when obtaining patient clinical assignments or during specific clinical experiences. No open -toes shoes are permitted in patient care areas.
C. Scrub apparel may be worn only in the area of the Hospital where it is hospital dress code. Scrub apparel must be covered by a buttoned white lab coat while on break/lunch.
D. The hair must be neat, of a natural hue, and conservative in nature. Hair must not lie on the anterior collar, and must be secured in such a fashion that it does not interfere with the provision of patient care. Beards and mustaches must be neatly trimmed and of reasonable length/style. Headbands, if worn, should be of a solid neutral color.
E. Cosmetics should be used in moderation. Strong perfume, cologne or other obvious odors are not considered appropriate; including but not limited to cigarette smoke, body odors or other environment odors.
F. Fingernails must be clean and trimmed to a proper length; only non-chipped clear polish is permitted; no type of artificial nails, this includes but is not limited to tips, wraps, appliques, acrylics, gels, or any additional items on the nail surface.
G. A watch, wedding band and/or 1 pair of studs in each ear lobe are permissible.
H. Visible pierced jewelry on any other part of the body is not permitted.
I. Tattoos with profanity and nudity are not permitted to be shown at any time. Tattoos that could be deemed inappropriate or offensive in nature must not be visible while on clinical when in uniform or selective alternative uniform.
J. Student uniform is worn only in the Hospital, for classes, and other specified occasions. The uniform should not be worn when visiting the Hospital.
K. Students who have clinical experiences in areas other than Trinity Health System must comply with uniform regulations of those institutions or agencies.
L. Students wearing the alternative uniform for select clinical experiences must also comply with the dress code related to jewelry, nails, cosmetics, and hair.
III. Dress Code – Non Clinical Areas (include class, cafeteria, Hospital areas other than clinical, library, faculty offices, and main lounge of School).
A. Appropriate nonclinical attire includes:
- Pants/slacks
- Jeans
- Dresses/skirts
- Uniforms
- Shorts (NO short shorts)
B. The following listing is considered inappropriate attire in any areas:
- Halter-tops
- See-through blouses
- Crop Tops
- Clothing with inappropriate sayings
- Pajama pants/lounge pants
- Slippers
- Short Shorts
IV. If any student’s appearance does not reflect the Hospital/School dress code, the student will be asked to leave the clinical area/classroom.
Promotion of Continuing Education
According to the School’s Philosophy, “Education is a lifelong, dynamic, participative process through which the learner’s potential is actualized”.Belief in this concept guides the faculty to promote the importance of continuing formal education to student nurses. Multiple educational options in the pursuit of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing or Master of Science in Nursing are available to graduates of Trinity Health System School of Nursing. Graduates can tailor an educational path with flexibility and ease.
Trinity Health System School of Nursing and Chamberlain University established an Education Agreement in March of 2020. This Agreement allows employees, faculty, or graduates of Trinity Health System School of Nursing to enroll in Chamberlain College of Nursing’s online programs or Chamberlain College of Health Professionals online programs and receive a waiver of the application fee and incorporates all current and future programs offered by Chamberlain University in Ohio. This Agreement assists graduates and faculty in the fulfillment of Trinity Health System School of Nursing’s promotion of continuing formal education. The definition of Education is the foundation of the School of Nursing’s Philosophy.
Chamberlain University is comprised of the College of Nursing, which offers a three-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program and flexible post-licensure programs such as the RN to BSN degree completion option, Master of Science in Nursing degree program, Doctor of Nursing Practice degree program and graduate certificates and the College of Health Professions, which offers a Master of Public Health degree program and a Master of Social Work degree program.
Chamberlain University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (, a regional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. The baccalaureate degree program in nursing, master’s degree program in nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice program, and post graduate APRN certificate program at Chamberlain University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, ( For the most updated accreditation information, visit