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Trinity Health System School of Nursing Achieves 100% on 2022 NCLEX-RN Exam
                      Only One of Two Programs in Ohio to Obtain Rating

Out of 123 Nursing Programs in the state of Ohio, the Trinity School of Nursing (TSON) is one of two
programs to obtain this impressive achievement. Furthermore, Trinity Health System is the only local
program to receive this rating.

The School of Nursing has achieved 100 percent pass rate on the NCLEX-RN four out of the past six years
and has consistently exceeded state and national pass rates.

Pass rates across the nation have declined over the past five years. The 2022 national pass rate was
79.90 percent, with Ohio’s rate being 75.83 percent.

Trinity School of Nursing has a great reputation! TSON has been educating students for more than 100
years! Since its inception in 1912, the School has educated 2,466 Registered nurses.

For those looking for a way to finance their education without loan debt, Trinity Health System offers
students an optional scholarship that covers or reimburses the tuition and fees for the entire program
and concludes with a full-time RN position in Trinity Health System upon licensure.

Read what the graduates have said about the program! Hear from the Dean what makes the program
special! You can find the entire article here.